In preparation for the PCP Call for Tenders in late summer 2020, an Open Market Consultation (OMC) with potential tenderers and end-users was held to broach the views of the market about our scope.

What is an OMC for?

HSMonitor is carrying out an Open Market Consultation (OMC) in the form of a series of events, which aims to:

  • inform potential suppliers (industry) about the HSMonitor pre-commercial procurement opportunities
  • explain in detail the pre-commercial procurement process
  • open a dialogue with potential suppliers about the scope of procurement envisaged in the project (incl. technical specifications)
  • facilitate matchmaking among potential suppliers in need of support in the building of consortia capable of addressing the needs of the HSMonitor procurers in full

OMC questionnaire

In order to gain this knowledge, organisations related to HSMonitor were invited to fill in an online questionnaire. After the deadline, surveys were analysed to finalise the tender design.

The Partner Search final section of the questionnaire was addressed to facilitate matchmaking among potential suppliers in need of support to build consortia capable of addressing all the HSMonitor requirements.

Workshops and webinars

Each of the HSMonitor procuring regions and countries was organising an event held in local language at their own premises. In addition, an international webinar was held in English. All events details are available in the table below.

Update 13 March 2020: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the procurers will hold the OMC events in the form of webinars.


Until 30 September 2020, suppliers could submit questions relating to the HSMonitor procurerment centrally by sending an email to suppliers@hsmonitor-pcp(dot)eu. Answers were elaborated jointly by the HSMonitor procurers and made available in an FAQ section.