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TICBioMed (TBM) is a cooperative cluster of ICT companies, Universities, Healthcare providers, and Public Institutions that work together to promote eHealth innovation in the Region of Murcia (Spain). It counts currently more than 60 members at national level gathering Healthcare, ICT organisations and other stakeholders.

In 2010 the association was awarded with the ´Excellence label´ for its strategic plan and since, joined the national database of excellent Innovative Enterprise Associations. It also holds a ´Gold label´ from the European cluster management excellence programme.

As part of its core expertise, the association has also specialised in the identification of unmet needs and challenges in Health that can be solved with the use of ICT in order to spot areas of opportunity for the development of profitable eHealth innovation, following a methodological approach when interacting with potential customers and end-users (healthcare managers, professionals, patients, etc.). TICBioMed also makes a strong emphasis on Business Modelling, in order to realistically address market opportunities in the eHealth space.
