HSMonitor invites tenders to procure innovative ICT-enabled monitoring solutions to improve health status and optimise hypertension care. If you want to participate in the PCP, please download the tender documents here. The HSMonitor procurers are looking for a solution to improve care and prevention of hypertension. The project aims to advantage R&D state of the art to move […]
FAQ published
HSMonitor FAQ This document contains Frequently Asked Questions collected during the HSMonitor Open Market Consultation (OMC) events in March-May 2019, as well as questions submitted to suppliers@hsmonitor-pcp(dot)eu. The answers provided represent the joint position of the five HSMonitor procurers to their best knowledge at this point in time. This document will be continuously updated to include […]
The HSMonitor Open Market Consultation is now open!
What is an OMC for? HSMonitor is carrying out an Open Market Consultation (OMC) in the form of a series of events, which aims to: inform potential suppliers (industry) about the HSMonitor pre-commercial procurement opportunities explain in detail the pre-commercial procurement process open a dialogue with potential suppliers about the scope of procurement envisaged in […]
Prior Information Notice published
This PIN announces an open market consultation and provides information about a planned pre-commercial procurement (PCP) carried out by the HSMonitor project, addressing the rising incidence of hypertension and the need for more effective management by empowering patients and the healthcare professionals involved in their care. HSMonitor is looking to procure R&D services in the […]
HSMonitor kick off
In October 2019 the EU-funded project HSMonitor officially kicked off its work on finding innovative ICT-enabled monitoring solutions to improve health status and optimise hypertension care in Europe. The kick-off meeting was held on 10-11 October 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. The participants discussed the overall project approach and the detailed planning of the first six months of […]